Rock Valley Quilter's Guild
Janesville, WI
established in 1980
next guild meeting - February 18th
(In-Person & ZOOM)
Meeters/Greeters: Quilting Bees
Holders/Folders: Friendship Quilters
Our History
In February 1980...
A group of quilters met to discuss forming a quilting guild in the Janesville area. In March 1980, the first meeting was held at Hedberg Public Library, with approximately 20 people in attendance. Bylaws & a Constitution was adopted by the following members: Lynda Short, Sue Thornton, Mary Jane Tiegs, Peggy Nelson, Rosemary Knoll, Lucille Boston, Elaine Fischer and Ruby Bernstein.
Charter Members for Year 1 was 35 members!
We are a Non Profit Organization
Mission Statement
We strive to foster the Art of Quilting through educational efforts, maintaining high standards of design and workmanship through cooperation and the interchange of ideas and instruction methods and techniques.
Our primary goals of sharing quilting skills, remembering the history of quilting and learning new techniques are reached through member involvement in Study Groups as well as presentations by outside speakers.
Membership Opportunities
Our year begins in September and the annual fee is $25.
We offer reduced rates for special circumstances, which are noted on the registration form.
Click HERE to download Membership Form
Opportunities Include:
Attend 11 Monthly Meetings (Sep to Jul)
Tallman Arts Festival (Aug)
Serve on Committees
Join a Study Group
Monthly Programs
Website Info
Annual Retreat
Show & Tell
Quilt Show
Lead a Study Group
Serve as a RVQG Officer
Monthly Meetings
Time & Place
Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month, except August.
The location is the UAW Hall in Janesville, (click HERE for directions).
Meetings start at 6:30pm and end around 8:30pm.
Zoom Meetings will be held until further notice.
Details available for members in the Members Only section.
Contact Information